martes, 24 de marzo de 2015

You took them

You took my thoughts
And made them your home
Made them yours
Like birds their nests

You took them hostage
Made them witness your crime
Made them a part of it

You took them
And you own them
Like a shepherd 
Owns his sheep

And you took them
And you tamed them
Like a circus performer
Does to the lion.

You took them
And you revolted them
A coup-d'état
A civil war

And you make them scream
And whisper
And love
And whimper

But most importantly
You took them.
Not anyone...

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015

Sleeping pills

I sleep better
When your heartbeat is
The soft, gentle lullaby
That makes me dream

When there's none
Cold sweats and night terrors
Waking up every hour on the hour
To your

      A b  s   e    n     c      e

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2015

Let me in.

I miss you
Like the devil would miss
The warm embrace 
Of hell's fires

Don't close yourself
Let me reach inside you 
And teach your heart
The things I'd do for you

If I had to go sleepless
Restless, helpless
For a year just to show you
How much I care, I would

If you're closing yourself up
In an oyster, let me be the pearl
Let me be the hope
That one day it'll open again

Us, we're just passengers of life
We just tell the driver where to take us
Let's make the most of our love
And let it lead the way

The devil will envy our fire
The heavens, our souls
For it will burn hotter
Than hell's own 

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2015

You, the one I miss.

I've been missing you
Since the very first moment
My skin left yours

I've been missing you
Like a drunkard misses his whiskey
Like a musician misses his key
Like a lover misses what he holds dear

I miss the things that make you, you
The scent of your skin
The universe of your eyes
The tattoos and all the scars

When I'm with you, nothing hurts
When I'm not, everything does
So take it all away
Please... Take 