viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015


The way your skin
To the touch of my fingers
Is what heaven must feel like
How your eyes roll back
When you take a deep breath
And let loose
Accepting your fate
And my body
With yours
Shivering, Letting go
Like river water
Both of us—
The divine comedy of our life
Our magnum opus
Our pièce de résistance
And a coup d'état
Against taboos
And inhibitions

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015

Heavy sleep

This bed feels empty
When you're not in it
As does this body
Because without you it's just
A hollow shell
A cocoon
Waiting for the catalyst of 
My metamorphosis—
The touch of your skin
And the scent of your soul
Give life to my otherwise
Seemingly lifeless shell...
My bed feels like a void in outer space
A black hole
Sucking the light out of
Living thing 
When it's without you
When it misses you
My bed.
This bed. 
Feels dead without you.